One More Foxtrot is out!

The holiday season feels especially merry for me with the pleasure of One More Foxtrot, a tale of second chances being published. Betty Miles and Sharon and Vince D’Angelo, Betty’s daughter and son-in-law, were too real let go of after Escape from Assisted Living. And I really enjoyed the interest that my friends and other readers took in these characters. The review comments were always inspiring.

So I kept picturing the next year after Betty’s senior living escape. Would Betty return to Elkhart and move in with Sharon? That didn’t seem likely, but she might stay with friend Eleanor to take in more Chicago life and perhaps taste romance. Sharon would be working hard in her new dessert shop, glad her mother is occupied elsewhere, then missing her the next minute.

I saw affable Vince helping his wife in the shop and hoping for bedroom action at home. His mother Mary is a new character in the story who recently switched from house slippers to high heels to run the office at D’Angelo & Sons Construction. Vince is struggling with her new image as well as her ideas for increasing business, mainly a make-over of him. I really like Mary and wondered if this strong woman would be an irritant to Betty and Sharon.

As lives unspooled in Elkhart and Chicago, other new characters came on the scene to bring on surprises and challenges that help us to examine the mysteries of family relationships. One More Foxtrot is available on Amazon or from your bookseller.